Water Heater Repair in Henderson, Owensboro & Madisonville, KY


Indoor Air Quality has become the pollution-related health issue of the 90's. In recent years, the EPA has ranked poor Indoor Air Quality among the top five health risks caused by pollution.

Pollutants enter our bodies by ingestion (eating or drinking), by absorption through our skin, or by inhalation (breathing). Of course, of the three, only breathing is something we do continually. Studies indicate that we spend 90% of our time in an indoor environment, so, the quality of the indoor air we breathe is very critical to our health and well-being. Employers are finding that providing good indoor air quality promotes increased productivity and reduced lost time due to illness.


As the public becomes more aware of the health effects of poor indoor air quality, the demand for government regulation will increase. OSHA has proposed regulations aimed at promoting good indoor air quality for the workplace already. Municipalities around the U.S. have begun enacting ordinances requiring building owners and operators to control tobacco smoke in their restaurants, bars, and places where many people are in close proximity to one another

LITIGATION AND ECONOMICS .... The Dollars and Sense

Until more definitive legislation regarding IAQ is enacted, the primary incentive to provide good quality indoor air is the possibility of litigation. The number of personal injury liability lawsuits due to poor quality indoor air is increasing. Settlements and awards have reached the $500,000 mark per plaintiff. Just the potential of this kind of litigation should be incentive for potential defendants to assure good IAQ in all buildings for which they are responsible.

Another benefit of providing clean indoor air is that the building interior and furnishings will be cleaner requiring less housekeeping and maintenance. In addition, a clean HVAC system operates more efficiently and requires less maintenance, reducing operational costs. All in all, providing good IAQ will improve the bottom line.

What You Should Know About Indoor Air Pollution

All homeowners are interested in energy conservation today. Reducing ventilation and sealing living spaces more tightly are ways to conserve energy - but they are also trap irritants Particulate contamination, like dust and pollen, can make you sneeze, cough, irritate your eyes - you know the feeling.

Disposable fiberglass filters are certainly inexpensive; but if clean air is important to you, disposable filters aren't really acceptable, because they only remove large particles and not the tiny particles of dust, pollen, and smoke.

Did you know that the smoke and odor in the air are caused by particles and gases and when removed the air smells cleaner and fresher and so do your carpets, drapes, wall coverings and furniture. Indoor air pollution has largely been ignored for years but is now being recognized as a serious problem in homes as well as commercial buildings.

For one thing, more pollution is trapped indoors. Normal activities like cooking, heating and cleaning, release gases and particles, some of which are definitely unhealthy. Personal practices like smoking, add to the problem. These gases seem to linger in our "energy-tight" homes, sealed in as effectively as outdoor air is sealed out.

One probable cause for this situation being ignored is a general lack of consumer awareness about the seriousness of indoor air pollution. Reasonable estimates are that the visible particles that scatter a sunbeam's light amount to 1 percent of all the particles in the air. That leaves another 99% too small to be seen with the naked or untrained eye.

Only the effects of these invisible particles may be seen in human discomfort and in soiling film that slowly coats walls, furnishings and drapes. Dust, pollen, tobacco smoke, cooking smoke, animal dander, bacteria, viruses, skin flakes and carpet fibers are just some of the troublesome particles floating in indoor air.

These particles are suspended in the air until they attach themselves to walls, furniture, drapes, etc. Scrubbing, dry cleaning, painting and redecorating are required to undo the damage they cause.

Worse yet are the effects dirty indoor air has on people. Pollen, spores and dust make life miserable for those with allergies. Lingering tobacco smoke makes some people acutely uncomfortable. Bacteria and viruses promote disease and these particles are carried through the air with the aid of dust.

Formaldehyde is another potentially harmful gas which is generated from furniture, building materials, and insulation and can be found in almost any home. While air pollution affects everyone there are studies that show our children are even more susceptible to the detrimental effects of air pollution particles than adults.

With all we have to offer our children today why not give them a cleaner healthier environment in which to develop? After all, it is their growth and development with which we must concern ourselves.

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3 Signs You Need Water Heater Repair Services

If your water heater is on the fritz, your first instinct may be to have it replaced. However, if your unit is less than 8 years old a residential water heater repair is more cost effective. Three signs you may need a residential water heater repair in Henderson, Owensboro or Madisonville, KY:

Leaky valvesStrange noisesLack of hot water

Call us at 270-830-8844 to schedule your residential or commercial water heater repair in Henderson, Owensboro or Madisonville, KY today.

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